Wednesday, April 1, 2009


個個都在談論 "露得清- 震震潔面蛋", Miffy也問我有沒有用它。但是坦率地說: "It doesn't work."

“如果你沒有錢,您可以嘗試牙刷方法〜但不要買露得清的震震潔面蛋..它是浪費金錢,因為你必須重新購買露得清的泡沫墊 (foaming pads)。"

如果你真的想深層清潔你的臉(用機器)。我建議 “Sun Cleansing Brush" - (Only 30 USD) or "Clarisonic Cleansing Brush" (200 USD) Rice Bunny is using - 必看,她很可愛!

Clarisonic cleansing brush review-
You can even use toothbrush tooo~~ =D
Snowy PS:
所有這些機器都不是必要的產品!它們只是讓你更容易清洗〜 如果你可以用其他方法, 實際上不需要購買。(例如: 軟牙刷 )


  1. agree,點睇都硬係覺得洗唔乾淨,冇泡-_-",不如用cleansing gel/oil好過啦,我一定要泡泡^^

  2. haha, agree, waste of money. the cleanser itself is not expensive, but the pads are.

    i always think rubbing or even brushing is too harsh for the facial skin. i don't even touch the skin when i wash my face.

    when i wanna "deep clean" my face, like once every two months, i use cleansing mask.

  3. assenav,

    yes ar~ I don't dare to rub my face either. But sometimes I do need to deep clean my nose hehe. I have checked out your blog. You have a lot of great skincare ideas to share too wor =D Very informative. I love it. I will come visit often =)
